Dental Insurance and Payment Options

Financing Your Care

At Harbor Light Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons, Inc. we make every effort to provide you with the finest care and the most convenient financial options. To accomplish this, we work hand-in-hand with you to maximize your insurance reimbursement for covered procedures. If you have any problems or questions, please ask our staff or call our billing office at West Toledo Office Phone Number 419-517-2100.

A typical initial visit costs $125 for a consultative evaluation of your oral surgical problem. There will be additional charges if x-rays are needed. About half of insurances do not cover any of the cost of this appointment, in which case it will become your responsibility. Please call if you have any questions or concerns regarding your initial visit.

All estimated patient financial obligations for surgical procedures are due 1 week before services are rendered. We will contact you via text, e-mail, or phone with your estimated out-of-pocket. You may pay by clicking on the invoice link in the text, call us with a credit card payment, or stop by the office to pay in person. If we do not receive the estimated amount in full one week prior to your scheduled procedure, your appointment may be cancelled.

We accept cash, checks, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express and debit cards. We also offer Care Credit, which is an extended payment plan with prior approval. Personal checks are not accepted for payments over $5,000.  


We cannot bill your insurance unless you bring in all insurance information at your initial visit. Your insurance policy is a contract between you and your insurance company. We are not a party to that contract. Please be aware that some and possibly all of the services provided may be non-covered services and not considered reasonable, usual and customary under the terms of your dental and/or medical policy.

Verification of dental coverage is not a guarantee of benefits. Actual benefit payments are determined when a claim is received. Please understand that you may owe more than the estimated quote. Harbor Light verifies patient’s benefits and eligibility as a courtesy. Insurance companies are not always reliable or accurate in the information they provide. Please keep in mind your general dentist or other dental providers may also have submitted claims that have not been processed yet. Therefore, your insurance remaining yearly maximum may be less than what is indicated at the time benefits are verified.

Important Medical Insurance Notice

We are out-of-network with most medical insurance companies.  The only medical insurance companies that we are in-network with are Aetna and Medicare.

As an out-of-network provider, we will not include medical insurance in any out-of-pocket estimate given to you. As a courtesy, we will continue to bill these medical insurances for you when appropriate. If your medical insurance does cover any part of the bill, they should pay you directly via check.



The parent (or guardian) accompanying a minor is responsible for full payment of a minor patient.


Harbor Light has partnered with CareCredit and Proceed Finance to offer our patients financing  with approval.  If you are interested in one of these financing options, please let us know.  We will work with you the best we can so that your treatment plan is affordable to you.


Refunds for overpayment will be sent after all treatment is completed and insurance has been collected.  Please allow 90 days for insurance processing and refunds to be made.


Any account that has not received payment in 90 days will be handed over to a collection agency that will pursue the responsible party for reimbursement.  A $75 collection fee will be added to your account.

Thank you for understanding Harbor Light’s  financial policy.  Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns by calling our billing office at (419) 517-2110.

We are here to help! Please call for more information about financing your oral health needs in our office!

Experience Excellence in Oral & Maxillofacial Care

Welcome to Harbor Light Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Implants, & Periodontal Surgery, where our mission is to elevate community health through the delivery of top-tier, compassionate oral surgery and periodontal care. At Harbor Light, we go above and beyond to surpass the expectations of those who entrust us with their well-being.